Parcel ID 10185

Parcel ID 10185
Legal Description AB 14 M F HEUJAS SUR
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Geographic ID 00014-00680-00000-000000
Description REAL
Category Code E1 - IMPS ON NON AGLAND
Total Acres 21.0100
Owner ID R2000052181
Care of
Mailing Address 19512 CR 3230 S CUSHING TX 75760
% Ownership 1.000000
Exemptions HOMESTEAD
Location 19512 S CR 3230 CUSHING TX 75760 6468
Map ID 70
Improvement Hs 162,660
Improvement Nhs 0
New Improvement Hs 0
New Improvement Nhs 0
Land Hs 136,000
Land Nhs 6,570
Market Value 305,230
Land Market Value 0
Ag/Timber Value 0
Market Taxable 305,230
Homestead Cap Loss 58,940
Circuit Breaker Loss 0
Appraised Value 246,290
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Entity Description Tax Rate Market Value Taxable Value
05 RUSK COUNTY 0.4640130 305,230 198,350
05R RUSK COUNTY SPEC ROAD 0.0498930 305,230 195,350
49 MT ENTERPRISE I.S.D. 1.1659000 305,230 88,350
65 RUSK CO ESD#1 0.0775000 305,230 246,290
66 RUSK CO GROUNDWATER CONSV DIST 0.0045680 305,230 198,350
Year Improvements Land Market Ag/Timber Taxable Productivity Value Market Taxable Hs Cap Loss Appraised
2024 162,660 142,570 0 0 305,230 58,940 246,290
2023 142,250 100,550 0 0 242,800 20,320 222,480
2022 125,230 88,040 0 0 213,270 11,110 202,160
2021 112,670 71,230 0 0 183,900 560 183,340
2020 112,650 60,730 0 0 173,380 6,910 166,470
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DISCLAIMER : Information provided for research purposes only. Legal descriptions and acreage amounts are for appraisal district use only and should be verified prior to using for legal purpose and or documents. Please contact the Appraisal District to verify all information for accuracy.